Welcome to our P.B.I.S. page!
P.B.I.S. stands for Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports. This means that we work to create a safe, secure, and supportive school environment in which the focus is to reinforce and reward positive behavior. Some of the aims are to clearly define and teach behavioral expectations, consistently acknowledge and reward appropriate behavior, constructively address problematic behavior, and effectively use behavioral data to assess progress.
As part of the P.B.I.S. program, students at M.S.80 are rewarded for demonstrating STARR qualities (Self-discipline, Trustworthiness, Academic Excellence, Respect & Responsibility.) The rewards come in the form of digital currency, that is uploaded to the students account by the teachers and staff. Students are then able to use their digital "STARR Bucks" in an online store to purchase actual goods and prizes, that get delivered to their class.